That’s the opening to a blog we posted around this time in May of 2019. Let’s just say things look a little different now than they did in those days. TDG has grown and changed in so many ways, most notably, we have become a completely remote agency! We thought it would be fun to look back at what we wrote four years ago and see how much really has changed. Come along for the journey down memory lane with us…

“Monday Morning: We start every week around our boardroom table (fitting everyone in has become more and more difficult the last few years) to discuss the upcoming projects, meetings, and work.”

We still do tend to start our week off together with a group meeting, but now we join through Zoom. It’s a great time to catch up on what’s going on in the TDGsphere and hear about how each other’s weekends went. If you watch closely, you can actually see everyone’s coffee starting to kick in mid-meeting. Let’s just say we always have and always will take our coffee pretty seriously.

Tuesday through Thursday: It’s difficult to give an overview of what happens midweek at TDG because no day is ever the same…and that’s what keeps us on our toes. Our Client Services Team spends their days in meetings, on the phone and answering emails, but their most important job is to think and strategize on how to help each of their clients break through their industry’s clutter. In the Studio side of our office, you will find our Graphic Designers and Web Team sitting behind their computers, brainstorming, crafting brilliant design work, and sometimes doodling on their chalkboards to keep the creativity flowing. Our Video Team is kept busy both in and out of the office, filming on location and weaving together footage in the editing process.”

It's funny to see how much has stayed the same even though we all work from home now. Our Client Services Team somehow accomplishes even more in a virtual setting. Their meetings range from in-person at a client’s office or at our TDG Headquarters in Brantford to on the phone or through Zoom. The amount of collaboration between the Studio and Client facing teams is much more intentional now than it was when we shared a space, which leads to more creative and innovative marketing materials. Our brilliant design and web work is constantly evolving because our star-studded Studio Department is dedicated to staying on top of the latest trends. You can usually find our Video Team out on location shooting or editing at home – and with our new drone capabilities, let’s just say we’ve taken our shooting to new heights.

Our Management Team has grown since “the good ole days,” with added positions heading the Client Services and Studio Departments to better support our staff. One thing that has stayed the same, though, is our commitment to going the extra mile for every client. The work we produce has evolved right along with us, and we can honestly say what we are putting out now is better than ever!

“Friday Afternoon: We work extremely hard, but we also know the importance of letting loose and bonding as a team. After putting the final touches on our projects, we wind down and clear our heads together. Whether we are bowling in our hallway, playing table tennis, or enjoying a game brought in from home.”

 We still spend lots of time together as a team, it just requires a little more thought and effort. From regular “happy half hours” on Friday afternoons, to an annual summer BBQ, and lots of Zoom team-building events in between, we even send out seasonal “Scoop” email blasts internally so we can share what’s going on in our lives with each other.

While so much has changed in the past few years, we think it has all been for the better. Now instead of having one office, we have many! What’s stayed the same? You can still count on TDG to tell our client’s stories and get their brands noticed with award-winning marketing materials, tv quality video production, and a full-service team that pretty much does it all…

We might just present our work over Zoom now, though.
Thank you screen sharing!

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